White-water rafting
Why would anyone want to go white-water rafting in Alaska? The water is exactly freeezing at all times,
but they provided us comfortable dry-suits
and great equipment.
The water flow was high, so we decided we did not want to do level 5.
The mere prospect of spending anytime in the cold water, involuntarily, was discouraging. They
prepare the rafts
for us while we are briefed on the swim test we are about to take.
Yes, everyone is required to jump into the icy cold waters and swim
across the river as proof.If we do fall off the raft, then we know exactly what to expect.
I was hyperventilating at the end of that swim. We went down the level 4 rapids
. Bouncing against rocks is a certainty with the
gorge so narrow
in places.
Great scenery on both sides
with 3000 foot mountains, and at one point there the river passed through a column of ice and boulders,
the remains of an avalanche that had blocked the river and created a lake this last winter. Towards the end two rafters, but not us, sitting up in front fell
out and went under the raft. Fortunately, no injuries, just a minor sprain of the finger from hanging on too long
to a rope while disappearing under the raft. Finally we celebrate with
victory picture
with Jay our guide at left.
On our way to Hope suddenly came across a moose with 3 baby mooslets. We should have had the camera out but missed the opportunity.
That night we stayed in a tiny
cabin . We could occasionally hear wolves - lots of wolves.
Whale watching
Hah!! what whale? We took this whale watching trip down Kenai Fjords in the Northland. Seward is where the
cruise ships
come to. Don't know about the whale
but we saw porpoises that swam alongside playfully, and the sea otters that really won my heart. Bald eagles,
sea lions ,
sea gulls, and the large orange jellyfish we observed from the deck.
We saw a couple of glaciers
from the boat. One really closeup.
. The scenery
was gorgeous.
Won't do this again, if we are not guaranteed whales!